B Series
Bunker Rococo(2025)
I feel its arms around me
It feels like an embrace
But soon you know it isn’t
The monster’s quickly mutating
Getting stronger
By the minute
and Id like to speak of love
I’d like to dream of music
But im tied up like the girl
In a b series movie
Chained onto a stone
And thrown into the ocean
I’m threatened by the hand
The devil’s taken over
And all along it’s me
The audience will discover
I found a time machine
I Dialed in
The year I was to go back to
All Packed up and eager to leave
Somebody’s stolen the keycode to the portal
Id like to speak of joy
I’d like to dream of music
But I’m tied up like the girl…
and all along it’s me
Me Me
The doctor’s diagnosis is me, me, me
And just when you think John did it, no, it was me, me, me
And when Amelie deserted it was me, me, me
And when Dunaway confesses it’s me me me
And there behind the whole plot was just me